Molly Eschelbach Kiko is great at saying yes to God… and following with a smile where He leads. Molly, who suffers from a degenerative eye disease that eventually will lead to the loss of nearly all her sight, said yes to Mileigh, her guide dog and friend who helps her navigate confidently everywhere outside her home,… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Molly Kiko
Category: Newsletter
On the Nightstand: March 2017
I’m so excited to read this book I can hardly stand it. First, Pat Gohn rocked my world with her book Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious, which introduced the concept of spiritual motherhood to me. She’s become a friend and a spiritual writing mentor. Second, I was “away” from the Catholic Church for most of my… Continue reading On the Nightstand: March 2017
Friends in Faith: Allison Gingras
Allison Gingras seems to be everywhere, all the time. She has a wonderful radio show, A Seeking Heart. She blogs. She leads retreats. She’s facilitating an online Lenten book club. She loves and cares for her family. Allison never stops seeking… or giving… and does it all with a beautiful, loving heart. I can’t even… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Allison Gingras
On the Nightstand: February 2017
The older I get, the less frantic my life becomes. Oh, things still are crazy at times, but overall, I’m learning to not to overcommit quite so much, and to say no more often. I’m hoping to pick up more tips and skills from this book by Shauna Niequist on embracing what’s important and gently… Continue reading On the Nightstand: February 2017