On the Nightstand: Redeemed (Again)

In addition to being sisters in Christ, Pam Spano and I are sister fan girls of Heather King, who has described herself as an ex-attorney, recovering alcoholic Catholic convert (and who I think is among the best memoirists writing today). So when Pam messaged me the top cover of Redeemed: Stumbling Toward God, Sanity, and… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Redeemed (Again)

On the Nightstand: Paul: A Biography

Oh, St. Paul. I’ve never been as conflicted as some about his views of women (different time, different, place, different audience). Rather, his conversion on the road to Damascus speaks to my soul… and equally, all that he did and endured after that conversion. My Bible study group is studying Ephesians this session, and I’m… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Paul: A Biography

On the Nightstand: To Be Told

I wasn’t a churchgoer in my twenties when I learned to write fast and short. But that skill has served me well as a Catholic writer for the past decade. You’ve likely had similar experiences, where you could see in the present that God used your post in an unexpected way. But I’ve honestly never… Continue reading On the Nightstand: To Be Told

On the Nightstand: In Full Bloom by Claire Swinarski

I’ve been on Claire Swinarski’s email list for some time, even though I am hopelessly not techy enough to find her Catholic Feminist podcast. I like the things she has to say… and the way she looks at feminism. In Full Bloom promises to help the reader “see God’s grace at work” and to thrive… Continue reading On the Nightstand: In Full Bloom by Claire Swinarski