The older I get, the less frantic my life becomes. Oh, things still are crazy at times, but overall, I’m learning to not to overcommit quite so much, and to say no more often. I’m hoping to pick up more tips and skills from this book by Shauna Niequist on embracing what’s important and gently… Continue reading On the Nightstand: February 2017
Category: On the Nightstand
On the Nightstand: January 2017
Is it just me, or do women who are writing today about spirituality totally rock? I’m excited this month about reading Created to Relate: God’s Design for Peace and Joy by Kelly Wahlquist, the founder of WINE: Women In the New Evangelization. Created to Relate is about women’s special gift for relationships–with others and with the… Continue reading On the Nightstand: January 2017
On the Nightstand: December 2016
Those who know me best will tell you I am good–very good, in fact–at identifying my shortcomings: bluntness. Impatience. A tendency to put myself and my needs last in favor of people pleasing. In fact, dwelling on my shortcomings becomes a shortcoming in and of itself. That’s why I’m looking forward this month to reading Elizabeth… Continue reading On the Nightstand: December 2016
On the Nightstand: November 2016
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I’ve never read Corrie ten Boom’s The Hiding Place, the story of how this Dutchwoman, not much younger than me at the time, and her family hid Jewish friends during World War II and of Corrie’s own time in prison for having provided the assistance. Well, that will… Continue reading On the Nightstand: November 2016