Have you ever noticed that when something bad happens–a death, perhaps, or a serious illness–responses fall into one of three categories?
Category: Memoir
Sunday Night Ministries
My sister and I lead hectic professional and personal lives. She travels frequently for work; I end up out a lot in the evening with friends and church-related activities. But most
Of Rocks… and Rolling
Four miles. I mean, really, how difficult could four miles be? I’d walked twice that before, and the Rose River Trail in the Shenandoah National Park was only rated moderate. My sister and I went in on the fire road; it’s harder to start that way, but then you have an
Of Jugglers and Magicians, and the Chasm That Lies Between
Jugglers and magicians don’t get along, a juggler recently told me. He explained it something like this: There’s nothing secret about the way jugglers use their skill, keeping