I never saw his handwriting. I saw all of him physically, and a whole lot of his heart and soul, I think. But never his handwriting. Not a card, not a note, not a to-do list. He was careful that way, the same way
Category: Memoir
Russell Means, Pro Se
I’m not sure Russell Means ever knew my name, even though I once strolled (quaking in my boots) into his hospital room in search of an interview. He did deign to answer a
Of George McGovern and Lost Innocence
You could say it was because of George McGovern that I had my first rum and Coke. You could also say it was because of George McGovern that I became cynical about politics. You could also say it’s because of George McGovern that I’ll vote next month. The evening before the presidential election, November 1972.… Continue reading Of George McGovern and Lost Innocence
Jane Wiegand Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
Mailing lists are funny things. Once an error is introduced, it’s next to impossible to get it out. My sister and I have lived in this Arlington apartment for eight years. We get the