Living the Dream

An occasional series based on stuff that hangs in my room… or my heart. First, an admission. For most of my life, I wasn’t into affirmations or contemplating quotes from people, famous, infamous, or anonymous. I thought it was more important to find my own way, to set my own course. That all began to… Continue reading Living the Dream

One Is Too Many….

If you look closely at the photo, you can see it, one of the compulsions I struggle the most to control. I chew my cuticles. My successful moments in combatting this nasty habit come when I remember this: Don’t take the first bite. Because, you see, I am lost if I chew that first cuticle.… Continue reading One Is Too Many….

The Five-Dollar Lesson

You might say I’m a bit hyper-responsible. My ex-husband often called me, and not always in a joking way, “Super Cop of the World.” For twenty-five years, my desk has featured a Nicole Hollander cartoon about the obligations of those in the First-Born Club. In the same vein, when people ask why I never had… Continue reading The Five-Dollar Lesson

Of Abysmal Swamps, Within and Without

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.  I had lunch recently with a spiritual mentor, a Catholic whose writing greatly inspires me. I shared with her my concern that my writing and speaking about the… Continue reading Of Abysmal Swamps, Within and Without