Friends in Faith: Allison Gingras

Allison Gingras seems to be everywhere, all the time. She has a wonderful radio show, A Seeking Heart. She blogs. She leads retreats. She’s facilitating an online Lenten book club. She loves and cares for her family. Allison never stops seeking… or giving… and does it all with a beautiful, loving heart. I can’t even… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Allison Gingras

Discussing Who Was the Greatest

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. It was a joke, I guess.  Or maybe a misguided attempt to be helpful. Or maybe I was overly sensitive. Most likely, it was a combination of all… Continue reading Discussing Who Was the Greatest

Enjoy the Little Things

An occasional series based on stuff that hangs in my room… or my heart. You can enjoy the little things… or long for the big things. You can love what you have… or wish for what you don’t. The choice is yours. This is a hard one for me to write about, because I honestly… Continue reading Enjoy the Little Things

On the Nightstand: February 2017

The older I get, the less frantic my life becomes. Oh, things still are crazy at times, but overall, I’m learning to not to overcommit quite so much, and to say no more often. I’m hoping to pick up more tips and skills from this book by Shauna Niequist on embracing what’s important and gently… Continue reading On the Nightstand: February 2017