Jesus in the Holy Water

In January 2003, some of the friends I’d made at the Green Lake Christian Writers’ Conference–we’d dubbed ourselves the BAGS, Bad-xxxxed Girls–came to see me in Cincinnati. A lot had changed for me since the previous summer.  I was getting a new boss; the old friend who had brought me to the company in November 1998 was leaving. It… Continue reading Jesus in the Holy Water


My sister and I were talking about those special moments in your life. Call them magical, call them spiritual, call them what you will, these are the moments when you connect with another person in a deeper, more meaningful way than you ever have before or perhaps ever will again. Sometimes they’re sexual, sometimes they’re… Continue reading Moments

Categorized as Friendship


We didn’t have a map, and we didn’t think we’d need one to find our hotel in Porto, Portugal’s second largest city. How difficult could it be? My sister and I knew the place was within a mile of City Hall, and surely that would stand out.