I got to Holy Thursday Mass at my church, St. Charles Borromeo, about ten minutes late. Three dear friends and I had had dinner first and, well, you know how it goes. There was
Category: Friendship
“Miracles appear in the strangest of places,” begins Yesterday’s Wine, my favorite song by Willie Nelson. Strange places, indeed. Oh, I’ve had some miracles occur in places you’d expect: a Catholic
Of Time and…
One of the sisters at the Shrine Retreat Center warned us all: the center, located in Holy Trinity, Alabama, just outside Fort Mitchell, is on eastern time, even though most resources will tell you Alabama is a central time state. The reason is that Holy Trinity is close to Fort Benning, Georgia, which is also on eastern time.… Continue reading Of Time and…
In Praise of Facebook/Only Connect
I finally saw “The Social Network” last weekend, and it creeped me out. I’ve got my own Facebook page–mainly music memories and exchanges with extended family and friends–as well as a page for my writing side. I won’t