Enjoy the Little Things

An occasional series based on stuff that hangs in my room… or my heart. You can enjoy the little things… or long for the big things. You can love what you have… or wish for what you don’t. The choice is yours. This is a hard one for me to write about, because I honestly… Continue reading Enjoy the Little Things

The Inside of the Cup

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Who doesn’t love a fun flirt, a sweet crush, a mild infatuation? We stand straighter, dress better, and perhaps are wittier in hopes of capturing the other person’s… Continue reading The Inside of the Cup

Returning Catholics FAQs: Where’s Mary?

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of  When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: Where’s Mary?