Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hedwig of Poland

The Basics: Born circa 1371 in Hungary; died July 17, 1399, in Poland; canonized December 17, 1996, by John Paul II; feast day, July 17. Queen. The Story: Hedwig had fallen in love with an Austrian duke. However, for political reasons, her father, King Louis I of Hungary, forced her when she was thirteen to marry a… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hedwig of Poland

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Mary Hermina of Jesus

The Basics: Born April 28, 1866, in France; died July 9, 1900, in China; canonized October 1, 2000, by John Paul II; feast day, July 9. Woman religious and martyr. The Story: Mary Hermina (born Irma Grivot) was a teacher for ten years before entering the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Despite her ill health, she burned to… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Mary Hermina of Jesus

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

The Basics: Born in 1271 in Spain; died July 4, 1336 in Portugal; canonized May 25, 1625, by Urban VIII; feast day, July 4. Queen. The Story: Elizabeth’s marriage to Denis did not start off well. He was less than faithful for much of their marriage. Elizabeth continued to treat him with kindness and respect, and… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hemma of Gurk

The Basics: Circa 980 in Slovenia; died June 27, 1045, in Austria; canonized June 27, 1930, by Pius XI; feast day, June 27. Noblewoman and philanthropist. The Story: Hemma learned that God was the only one she could count on. Her nobleman husband owned a mine, and the couple’s two sons were killed by disgruntled workers. While… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hemma of Gurk