The Basics: Born January 28, 1572, in France; died December 13, 1641, in France; canonized July 16, 1767, by Pope Clement XIII; feast day, August 12. Mother, wife, and woman religious. The Story: She was attractive, intelligent, and fun to be around. But Jane’s life came crashing down around her at age twenty-eight when her husband of… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Category: Wednesday’s Woman
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop
The Basics: Born January 15, 1842, in Australia; died August 8, 1909, in Australia; canonized October 17, 2010, by Pope Benedict XVI; feast day, August 8. Woman religious. The Story: Australia’s first saint was one of the founders and first mother superior for the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, and established havens for women… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Martha
The Basics: Born in what today is Israel, sometime near the birth of Christ; death location not known with any precision; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, July 29. Friend of Jesus. The Story: Martha; her brother, Lazarus; and her younger sister, Mary were friends of Jesus’s. Most often we think of Martha as a bit of a… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Martha
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Bridget of Sweden
The Basics: Born circa 1303 in Sweden; died July 23, 1373, in Italy; canonized in 1391, by Boniface IX; feast day, July 23. Mystic; adviser; monastery founder. The Story: Bridget was a world traveler and outspoken woman. By turns she was a wife and mother; a lady in waiting to the Swedish king’s wife; a pilgrim to… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Bridget of Sweden