Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

The Basics: Born July 18, 1880, in France; died November 9, 1906, in France; beatified November 25, 1984, by John Paul II; feast day, November 8. Woman religious, mystic, writer. The Story: As a child, Elizabeth was somewhat of a pill. She was willful and given to fits of anger. Indeed, it’s said that a priest… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Restituta

The Basics: Born May 1, 1894, in what is now the Czech Republic; died March 30, 1943, in Austria; beatified June 21, 1998, by John Paul II; feast day, October 29. Woman religious, surgical nurse. The Story: It certainly wasn’t safe to say no to the Nazis in Austria in the 1940s. But that didn’t concern this… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Restituta

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Laura of St. Catherine of Siena

The Basics: Born May 26, 1874, in Colombia; died October 21, 1949, in Colombia; canonized May 12, 2013, by Pope Francis; feast day, October 21. Woman religious, teacher. The Story: It was not an easy early life. Laura Montoya y Upegui’s father died in a civil war when she was just two, leaving the family of three… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Laura of St. Catherine of Siena

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Teresa of Avila

The Basics: Born March 28, 1515, in Spain; died October 4, 1582, in Spain; canonized March 12, 1622, by Pope Gregory XV; feast day, October 15. Woman religious, author, Doctor of the Church. The Story: Today marks the beginning of Teresa’s fifth centenary year. What a life it was, one that confounds any stereotypical pigeonholing, one of… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Teresa of Avila