The Basics: Born about 860 in Poland; died September 15, 921, in the Czech Republic; canonized precongregation; feast day, September 16. Grandmother. The Story: You surely remember the Christmas song about Wenceslaus going out on the feast of St. Stephen to help the peasant. Much of what the ruler knew about charity and kindness came from… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Ludmila
Category: Wednesday’s Woman
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Wulfrida
The Basics: Born in England; died 988 in England; canonized precongregation; feast day, September 9. Mother and woman religious. The Story: Wulfrida, also known as Wulfthryth, was living at Wilton Abbey when King Edgar took her away to his palace. She was not a nun at the time; the thinking is that Wulfrida, who came from a… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Wulfrida
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rosalia
The Basics: Born about 1130 in Italy; died about 1160 in Italy; canonization date unclear; feast day, September 4. Hermit. The Story: Rosalia, as with so many of the women saints of times past, rejected an arranged marriage by her parents, members of the noble class. But while she may have lived briefly in a convent,… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rosalia
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Maria Micaela of the Blessed Sacrament
The Basics: Born January 1, 1809, in Spain; died August 25, 1865, in Spain; canonized March 4, 1934, by Pope Pius XI; feast day, August 25. Woman religious, teacher, social worker. The Story: Maria Micaela Desmaisieres, or Madre Sacramento as she would come to be known, had a rich and textured life. Born into a noble… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Maria Micaela of the Blessed Sacrament