The Basics: Born October 14, 1653, in France; died January 24, 1744, in France; beatified November 20, 1994, by John Paul II; feast day, October 14. Educator, social worker. The Story: By the time Marie was thirty, both of her parents had died, leaving behind a once-prosperous manufacturing business that was deeply in debt. As the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Poussepin
Category: Wednesday’s Woman
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher
The Basics: Born October 6, 1811, in Canada; died October 6, 1849, in Canada; beatified May 23, 1982, by John Paul II; feast day, October 6. Woman religious, educator. The Story: Born into a large, prosperous farming family in Quebec, Marie-Rose felt from an early age she had a vocation as a sister. However, poor health… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Theodore Guerin
The Basics: Born October 2, 1798, in France; died May 14, 1856, in the United States; canonized October 15, 2006, by Benedict XVI; feast day, October 3. Woman religious, missionary, teacher. The Story: Theodore’s world was rocked when she was just fifteen and her father was murdered. Her mother fell into a deep depression, and Theodore… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Theodore Guerin
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Bernardina Jablonska
The Basics: Born August 5, 1878, in Poland; died September 23, 1940, in Poland; beatified June 6, 1997, by John Paul II; feast day, September 23. Woman religious. The Story: Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. Francis de Sales and Jane Frances de Chantal. Catholic history is full of strong working relationships between priests and… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Bernardina Jablonska