Wednesday’s Women: Saints Justa and Rufina

The Basics: Born in the late third century in Spain; died circa 287 in Spain; canonized precongregation; feast day, July 19. Sisters, businesswomen, martyrs. The Story: These sisters, in their late teens or early twenties, had a pottery-making business. They were even more passionate about their faith than about their work (they donated a share of the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: Saints Justa and Rufina

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Darerca

The Basics: Born in the late 4th century in Great Britain; died in the early 5th century in Ireland; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, March 22. Wife and mother. The Story: Darerca’s brother Patrick may be better known, but he couldn’t hold a candle to her when it came to parenting! It’s believed that Darerca, who married twice… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Darerca

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elisabetta Sanna Porcu

The Basics: Born April 23, 1788, in Italy; died February 17, 1857, in Italy; beatified September 17, 2016; feast day, February 17. Wife, mother, catechist. The Story: It was not a life full of promise early on. As a child, Elisabetta contracted smallpox, and was never again able to raise her arms over her head. Despite this… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elisabetta Sanna Porcu

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Malgorzata (Lucja) Szewczyk

The Basics: Born in 1828 in Ukraine; died June 5, 1905, in Poland; beatified June 9, 2013; feast day, June 5. Woman religious. The Story: Politics may have gotten in the way of Malgorzata’s vocation, but oppression couldn’t stop her from doing the Lord’s work in a variety of ways. She was born of Polish parents just… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Malgorzata (Lucja) Szewczyk