The Basics: Born March 3, 1861, in Italy; died November 21, 1930 in Italy; beatified November 3, 2018; feast day, November 21. Woman religious. The Story: Clelia’s story is one of humility and unjust judgment. Her life had begun so positively, born into a wealthy family, which afforded her a good education and financial security. However,… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Clelia Merloni
Category: Wednesday’s Woman
Wednesday’s Women: The Martyred Daughters of Charity in Madrid
The Basics: Born between 1879 and 1906 in Spain; died between August 12, 1936, and February 11, 1937, in Spain; beatified October 13, 2013; feast day, November 6. Women religious and martyrs. The Story: There were fifteen of them, and they were part of two larger communities in the Madrid area. They were doing what Daughters… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: The Martyred Daughters of Charity in Madrid
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Daria
The Basics: Born in the third century AD in Italy; died about 283 in Italy; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, October 25. Wife and martyr. The Story: It is a moving story, the tradition of Daria and Chrysanthus. She was a beautiful high priestess, possibly a vestal virgin responsible for maintaining Rome’s sacred fire. He was the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Daria
Wednesday’s Woman: Saint Irene of Tomar
The Basics: Born about 635 in Portugal; died about 653 in Portugal; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, October 20. Woman religious and martyr. The Story: Irene’s is a story that may ring familiar for some of us today. Tradition has it that she was born into a wealthy noble family, and as time went on, a young man… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Saint Irene of Tomar