The Basics: Born in 1271 in Spain; died July 4, 1336 in Portugal; canonized May 25, 1625, by Urban VIII; feast day, July 4. Queen. The Story: Elizabeth’s marriage to Denis did not start off well. He was less than faithful for much of their marriage. Elizabeth continued to treat him with kindness and respect, and… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Elizabeth of Portugal
Category: Saints
On the Nightstand: July
I’m humbled to share I’m working with Franciscan Media on the follow-up to Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration. The tentative title is Rejoice and Be Glad: Living the Beatitudes with the Women Saints. Each chapter will include a brief discussion of a Beatitude and how it challenges us today., then share how four female saints lived that… Continue reading On the Nightstand: July
The Price of Faith
Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. We know how the earthly life of St. John the Baptist ended: beheaded after speaking against Herod’s marriage to Herod’s brother’s ex-wife. We know how the earthly lives of two… Continue reading The Price of Faith
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hemma of Gurk
The Basics: Circa 980 in Slovenia; died June 27, 1045, in Austria; canonized June 27, 1930, by Pius XI; feast day, June 27. Noblewoman and philanthropist. The Story: Hemma learned that God was the only one she could count on. Her nobleman husband owned a mine, and the couple’s two sons were killed by disgruntled workers. While… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hemma of Gurk