The Basics: Born April 12, 1760, in France; died April 16, 1794, in France; beatified February 19, 1984, by John Paul II; feast day, April 16. Martyr. The Story: They were called “royalist fanatics,” but generally, such as in the case of Anne Maugrain, it appears their true crimes were continuing to worship and refusing to denounce… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Anne Maugrain
Category: Saints
Wednesday’s Women: Saints Justa and Rufina
The Basics: Born in the late third century in Spain; died circa 287 in Spain; canonized precongregation; feast day, July 19. Sisters, businesswomen, martyrs. The Story: These sisters, in their late teens or early twenties, had a pottery-making business. They were even more passionate about their faith than about their work (they donated a share of the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: Saints Justa and Rufina
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Darerca
The Basics: Born in the late 4th century in Great Britain; died in the early 5th century in Ireland; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, March 22. Wife and mother. The Story: Darerca’s brother Patrick may be better known, but he couldn’t hold a candle to her when it came to parenting! It’s believed that Darerca, who married twice… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Darerca
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elisabetta Sanna Porcu
The Basics: Born April 23, 1788, in Italy; died February 17, 1857, in Italy; beatified September 17, 2016; feast day, February 17. Wife, mother, catechist. The Story: It was not a life full of promise early on. As a child, Elisabetta contracted smallpox, and was never again able to raise her arms over her head. Despite this… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elisabetta Sanna Porcu