The Basics: Born May 29, 1427, in France; died November 4, 1485, in France; beatified July 16, 1863, by Pius IX; feast day, November 4; wife; ruler; woman religious. The Story: Like so many others who have been canonized or beatified, Francoise by all accounts was a beautiful, pleasant child. She was born into a noble family… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Francoise d’Amboise
Category: Saints
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Clare of Rimini
The Basics: Born in 1282 in Italy; died February 10, 1346, in Italy; beatified in 1782 by Pius VI; feast day, February 10. Wife, woman religious. The Story: So how do you not love a woman whose biographer opened the story with, “This is the life of Blessed Clare of Rimini, who was an example for all… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Clare of Rimini
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie-Therese de Soubiran La Louviere
The Basics: Born May 16, 1834, France; died June 7, 1889, in France; beatified October 20, 1946, by Pius XII; feast day, June 7. Woman religious. The Story: From an early age, the girl who would become known as Marie-Therese Soubiran knew God came first in her life. What she could not have known was for how… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie-Therese de Soubiran La Louviere
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Joana of Portugal
The Basics: Born February 6, 1452, in Portugal; died May 12, 1490, in Portugal; beatified in 1693 by Innocent XII. Laywoman; princess. The Story: Joana spent much of her royal life saying no. The daughter of Portugal’s King Afonso V and his first wife, Isabel, Joana was the heir presumptive upon birth because her older brother had… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Joana of Portugal