The Basics: Born October 7, 1902, in Poland; died April 29, 1973, in Poland; to be beatified April 28, 2018; feast day, April 29; nurse, oblate. The Story: While Hanna’s family was wealthy financially, they were poverty-stricken spiritually; her mother was Protestant, her father Catholic, and neither was particularly spiritual or religious. Nonetheless, Hanna learned much about… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Hanna Helena Chrzanowska
Category: Saints
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elizabeth of Reute
The Basics: Born November 25, 1386, in Germany; died November 25, 1420, in Germany; beatified June 19, 1766, by Clement XIII; feast day, November 25; woman religious. The Story: They called her “the good Betha” from an early age, and it’s easy to understand why. Elizabeth was born into a poor family, and was just fourteen when… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elizabeth of Reute
Of Stoning
Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. It’s not a quick death, stoning. It takes about a half hour, and you get bruised and battered and bloodied. Probably, you pray for one of the first… Continue reading Of Stoning
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Luise Merkert
The Basics: Born September 21, 1817, in Poland; died November 14, 1872, in Poland; beatified September 30, 2007; feast day, November 14; woman religious. The Story: Maria’s life is one that shows us it is futile to rely on anyone but the Lord. Her father died when she was nine months old; her mother, when Maria was… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Luise Merkert