Wednesday’s Woman: Carmen Elena Rendiles Martinez

The Basics: Born August 11, 1903, in Venezuela; died May 9, 1977, in Venezuela; beatified June 16, 2018; feast day, May 9. Woman religious. The Story: Carmen was never one to let adversity get in her way. She was born without a left arm, and began using a prosthesis at an early age. By all reports, she… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Carmen Elena Rendiles Martinez

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon

The Basics: Born June 10, 1789, in France; died January 10, 1828, in France; beatified June 10, 2018; feast day, January 10. Woman religious. The Story: Adele’s early life was filled with upheaval, and perhaps it was that upheaval that fueled her faith. Her noble family was forced into exile during the French Revolution, first to Spain,… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Gargani

The Basics: Born December 23, 1892, in Italy; died May 23, 1973, in Italy; beatified June 2, 2018; feast day, May 23. Woman religious. The Story: She’s called the first spiritual daughter of St. Padre Pio. Maria, a schoolteacher and the youngest of eight children born into a devout Italian family, was about to find herself without… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Gargani

On the Nightstand: The Great Magdalens

Talk about being led into temptation! A couple of publishers had big sales in the past couple of weeks and, well, what’s a girl to do? Yes, these eight books are all now on my nightstand. I’ll be starting with The Great Magdalens: Famous Women Who Returned to God after Lives of Sin. The table… Continue reading On the Nightstand: The Great Magdalens