Wednesday’s Woman: St. Augusta of Treviso

The Basics: Born about 410 in Italy; died before 450 in Italy; canonized on May 22, 1754, by Benedict XIV; feast day, March 27. Martyr. The Story: It appears to have been a loving housekeeper who introduced the young Augusta to Christianity. The motherless child was baptized by a hermit the housekeeper knew, and began doing… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Augusta of Treviso

Cleansing the Inside First

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. He was thirty-one when he converted to Christianity.  He had already fathered a child with a woman not his wife, and sent her away because he had plans… Continue reading Cleansing the Inside First

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Alice of Schaerbeek (Aleydis)

The Basics: Born in 1204 in Belgium; died in 1250 in Belgium; canonized in 1907 by Pius X; feast day, June 15. Woman religious. The Story: Alice’s burden was a heavy one, but she bore it with humility and grace. The child was sent to live with Cistercian nuns when she was seven, and eventually felt… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Alice of Schaerbeek (Aleydis)

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hunegund

The Basics: Born after 600 in France; died in 690 in France; canonized precongregation; feast day, August 25. Woman religious. The Story: Many of us have stories about old love interests, but few end the way Hunegund’s did. Born into a wealthy family, the first spouse Hunegund’s family planned for her died in childhood. The second was a… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hunegund