Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Lucy of Settefonti

The Basics: Born about 1100 in Italy; died about 1157 in Italy; beatified in 1779 by Pius VI; feast day, November 7. Woman religious. The Story: Lucy and her friends were attracted to the simple monastic life known as the Camaldolese, mountain communities established by Saint Romuald. The concept was a mix of community and hermetic… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Lucy of Settefonti

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Balbina of Rome

The Basics: Died 130 in Italy; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, March 31. Daughter, martyr. The Story: Some of the names of the women among the 140 statues on the St. Peter’s Basilica Colonnades are well known: Agatha, Agnes,Catherine of Siena, Cecilia, Clare, Lucy, Mary Magdalene, Teresa of Avila. Balbina is one whose full story is lost… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Balbina of Rome

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Monegundis

The Basics: Born 6th century in France; died 570 in France; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, July 2. Wife, mother, woman religious. The Story: Life was humming along for Monegundis. She was married and had two young daughters. Then, one after the other, the girls died. Monegundis fell into a deep, deep depression. The only thing that… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Monegundis

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Sadalberga

The Basics: Born in France; died about 665 in France; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, September 22. Wife, mother, woman religious. The Story: For some of us, life seems to flow along like a peaceful river; for others, there are rapids and falls. The life of Sadalberga was more along the lines of the latter. The legend… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Sadalberga