Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Buonadonna de’ Segni

The Basics: Born c. 1181 in Italy; died April 28, 1260, in Italy; beatified in local tradition; feast day, April 28 (husband). Wife, lay Franciscan. The Story: The story of Buonadonna and her better-known husband, Luchesio Modestini is truly one of loved ones helping each other to grow in Christ. The couple married relatively young, and… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Buonadonna de’ Segni

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Delphina

The Basics: Born about 1282 in France; died November 26, 1358, in France; beatified in 1694; feast day, December 9. Wife, lay Franciscan. The Story: Today, we might call Delphina spunky, and her faith and spunk certainly inspired others. The child was orphaned shortly after birth and was raised under the guidance of uncles as well… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Delphina

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Eudocia of Heliopolis

The Basics: Born in the first century in Syria; died about 107 in Lebanon; canonized precongregation;  feast day, March 1. Martyr. The Story: Eudocia seemingly had it all: She was extremely wealthy, and she was extremely beautiful. Her willingness to sell the latter had resulted in the former. But she wasn’t bothered by the fact that… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Eudocia of Heliopolis

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Macrina the Younger

The Basics: Born about 330 in Turkey; died about 379 in Turkey; feast day, July 19. Woman religious. The Story: Macrina’s was a life filled with sharing God’s grace and love, most notably with her family. Her parents came from wealthy, spiritual upbringings, and had ten children, Macrina being the oldest. (Her father’s mother also was… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Macrina the Younger