It was about this time five years ago that I came up with the nerve to e-mail Anna LaNave. I’d been going to Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Arlington, seven blocks from my apartment, for about a month, and had seen a bulletin announcement about Landings, a program for those considering a return… Continue reading Holy Spirit Moments
Category: Catholicism
I Once Was Blind…
There it was: an error in a book I’d proofread. And on the very first page, in the chapter heading! I was sick. I e-mailed my apologies to the publisher. “Mistakes happen,” she answered. “You’re a great editor.” I knew she was wrong. Was I losing my eye, my ability to spot errors?
Memoir Memories
I knew it was bad news when my publishing house editor said he had to call me about my memoir, What to Wear on Your Way to Hell… and Other Detours to Heaven, which was due to go on press shortly. My guess was that a last-minute rewrite of some content wasn’t enough to allay… Continue reading Memoir Memories
There’s Ministry… and Then There’s Ministry
I was away from the Catholic Church in any meaningful way from June 1972 until Christmas 2005, when I received the Eucharist again for the first time. I came back full metal… volunteering for any ministry I could get my hands on. I was on the Parish Council within a month of being back in full… Continue reading There’s Ministry… and Then There’s Ministry