Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Some of us seek to touch the lesser celebrities of our world, the reality-show stars, the titans of commerce, the political power brokers. As Paul puts it in… Continue reading Radiating His Light
Category: Missionaries
On the Nightstand: Super Girls and Halos
Wonder Woman and Katharine Drexel, the do-gooder heiress turned tireless missionary? Katniss from Hunger Games and Mary MacKillop, who had more than one run-in with authority on her way to canonization? Yep, that’s the way my friend Maria Morera Johnson sees it in her new book, Super Girls and Halos. I’m looking forward to discovering these commonalities and more!… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Super Girls and Halos
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Assunta Marchetti
The Basics: Born August 15, 1871, in Italy; died July 1, 1948, in Brazil; beatified October 25, 2014; feast day, July 1. Woman religious, missionary. The Story: Have you ever had a sibling lead you into an adventure–and then leave you there alone? In some ways, that’s what happened to Assunta Marchetti. One of eleven children, Assunta… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Assunta Marchetti
Wednesday’s Woman: St. Anna Schaffer
The Basics: Born February 18, 1882, in Germany; died October 5, 1925, in Germany; canonized October 21, 2012, by Benedict XVI; feast day, October 5; laywoman. The Story: Anna’s life was far from easy, but she had a plan: she would become a missionary. To earn her dowry and to help her family, she went to work… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Anna Schaffer