Hearing What We Want to Hear

The lectionary Gospel reading last week was on the prodigal son. It’s one of those love-it-or-hate-it readings. If you’ve ever been away from faith, it warms your heart. If you’ve always been with God, it can make you a little angry.

Categorized as Catholicism


My sister and I were talking about those special moments in your life. Call them magical, call them spiritual, call them what you will, these are the moments when you connect with another person in a deeper, more meaningful way than you ever have before or perhaps ever will again. Sometimes they’re sexual, sometimes they’re… Continue reading Moments

Categorized as Friendship

Have Some Fun with It!

I did a creativity presentation this week for Capital Christian Writers in the Virginia suburbs. I think CCW was the second group I spoke to after becoming editor of Writer’s Digest magazine in November 1998, so it was a real treat when I moved to this area to be able to become a member.