Working–When It Works, It’s Beautiful

I heard a replay last weekend of an NPR interview with the late Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue. I was particularly struck by this quote from O’Donohue, who spoke often on leadership and creativity in corporations. … One of the loneliest things you can find is somebody who is in the wrong kind of… Continue reading Working–When It Works, It’s Beautiful

To Sir, Not With Love

I’m not much of a ranter these days. It just takes too much effort. But I’m sooo tired of call center assistors who assume I’m a man. Now, my voice is a little low. But it’s not that low. And even if I sounded like Barry White, look at my name! It’s

Categorized as Travel

We Gather Together

I don’t watch much TV these days (other than American Idol and Ice Road Truckers in season), but once upon a time I was a TV devotee. Of all the shows I ever watched, I don’t think one spoke to me or reflected my life more

Thanks Giving

Thanksgiving 1961 in my hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was warm, warm enough for my cousins and me to run around outside our house on North Summit Avenue without coats while our fathers watched football and our

Categorized as Memoir