Call me suggestible if you like. I’ve been called worse.
I fully intended to spend April reading a different book. But this afternoon I went for my weekly prayer and reflection hour at a neighborhood parish, and this book was sitting out. I had a few minutes, so I picked it up. I’ve read some of the author’s other work, and it was always impeccably researched. I opened the section about devils and demons, and was struck by the scriptural references and saints’ experiences with the evil one and his minions. Sometimes, they use attractiveness; other times, fear and physical harm. I resolved anew to face some temptations, and left the chapel. But when I stopped to use the restroom, I was blocked by a woman all in black who was strewing wet, shredded paper towels. She stared at me, then walked away. I followed her outside to see if she needed help, but she disappeared after turning into the parking lot.
So. This i what I’ll be reading this month. What’s on your nightstand?