Mary Ellen Gilroy was one of the Mother Cabrini girls in northern Manhattan, and she’s got some interesting stories about what it was like to go to school at the very same place where the first U.S. saint was laid to rest. (Far more interesting, I might add, than my whine about wishing I’d gone to Laura Ingalls Wilder Grade School in my South Dakota hometown.)
MEG’s also got some great stories about her time in the Foreign
Service, from Canada to Haiti to Morocco and Malaysia and more. I learn a lot from her in our daily email exchanges and periodic dinners. But most of all, I learned from her example of loving, uncomplaining service in the years leading up to the death of her beloved husband Harlie about two and a half years ago. MEG was never away from home overnight during those days, and served in roles her life around the world didn’t prepare her for: overseeing the remodeling of their home so Harlie would be more comfortable, serving as his healthcare advocate, and being present with him in hospice as his life slipped away.

To me, MEG is the greatest example of loving service I’ve ever been privileged to see. She reminds me that the Lord is happiest when we are serving him in the same way.