Wednesday’s Woman: St. Clare of Montefalco

The Basics: Born circa 1268 in Italy; died August 18, 1308, in Italy; canonized December 8, 1881, by Pope July 16, 1767, by Pope Leo XIII; feast day, August 17. Woman religious, mystic.

The Story: By the time Clare was in her mid-twenties, she had lived in a religious community for many years. She was serving as abbess in 1294 when Jesus appeared to her as a worn-out, burdened traveler,saints_clareofmontefalco_20140820_wikimedia struggling with the weight of his cross. She offered to help. Clare suffered greatly in the remaining 14 years of her life; after her death, a small crucifix was found inside her heart. The investigator into Clare’s canonization was skeptical at first, but found that the crucifix and other signs of Christ’s passion found were valid.

St. Clare’s Wisdom:   “Our souls are like wood: the more they imbibe the oil of submission and humility the more they are set on fire with divine love.”

What We Can Learn: In asking for our help, Christ makes us stronger and abler evangelists. What is he asking you to do today?

To Learn More About St. Clare of Montefalco: Check out the monastery of St. Clare, or visit the Order of St. Augustine site.

To Learn More About Other Women Saints and Blesseds: Come back next week, or consider buying my book, Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration.

By Melanie

Melanie Rigney is the author of Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century and other Catholic books. She is a contributor to Living Faith and other Catholic blogs. She lives in Arlington, Virginia. Melanie also owns Editor for You, a publishing consultancy that since 2003 has helped hundreds of writers, publishers, and agents.

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