St. Gemma Galgani: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

St. Gemma Galgani was born on this date in 1878 in Italy and died on April 11, 1903. This mystic is known as the Daughter of Passion… she began to experience the holy stigmata when she was twenty-one.0312-gemma

Gemma also suffered greatly physically during her time on earth, including tuberculosis, which eventually claimed her life, spinal meningitis, abcesses, and deafness. However, many who knew her were unaware of these challenges as she preferred to keep quiet about them.

St. Gemma Galgani said Jesus told her: “Do you desire to love me? Learn to suffer first. Suffering teaches one how to love.”

42-15530351Some of us are prone to sharing every little ache and pain, every little disappointment, with the world. Just for today, try emulating St. Gemma and show love despite and through your suffering. Don’t be surprised if you feel better at the end of the day.

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By Melanie

Melanie Rigney is the author of Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century and other Catholic books. She is a contributor to Living Faith and other Catholic blogs. She lives in Arlington, Virginia. Melanie also owns Editor for You, a publishing consultancy that since 2003 has helped hundreds of writers, publishers, and agents.

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