On the Nightstand: The Edge of Mercy

I ran across this title in my continuing effort to read more contemporary Christian fiction. The Edge of Mercy: who isn’t or hasn’t been there? I was thrown a little by the cover–it doesn’t look contemporary–but then I read that it’s the story of two women, three hundred years apart, one during the time of… Continue reading On the Nightstand: The Edge of Mercy

Friends in Faith: Annie Sweeney

I recently got a solicitation from AHC Inc., which builds and preserves affordable housing communities for low- and very-low-income people in my area and elsewhere. The solicitation was to help at-risk kids go to summer camp. It made me smile for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that my friend Annie… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Annie Sweeney

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hunna

The Basics: Born 7th century in France; died 679 in France; canonized in 1520 by Leo X; feast day, April 15. Wife, mother. The Story: She may have never needed to touch a washtub in her entire life. After all, Hunna was born into nobility, and married into her own class. Indeed, her husband often traveled… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Hunna