The Desire for Health

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. “Do you want to be well?” They are among the most challenging words Jesus speaks to anyone he encounters. “Do you want to be well?” The man to… Continue reading The Desire for Health

On the Nightstand: Be Brave in the Scared

It was September 27, 1992, and Mary and Jerry Lenaburg were at the baptism of their second child and first daughter, Courtney. It was then that Courtney had the first of what would be many grand-mal seizures in her twenty-two years of life. I’ve heard Mary’s amazing story of faith and what caring for Courtney… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Be Brave in the Scared

Friends in Faith: MEG Gilroy

Mary Ellen Gilroy was one of the Mother Cabrini girls in northern Manhattan, and she’s got some interesting stories about what it was like to go to school at the very same place where the first U.S. saint was laid to rest. (Far more interesting, I might add, than my whine about wishing I’d gone… Continue reading Friends in Faith: MEG Gilroy