The Basics: Born February 2, 1467, in Italy; died May 20, 1501, in Italy; beatified February 25, 1625, by Urban VIII; feast day, May 20; woman religious; mystic. The Story: It was an auspicious beginning. As the baby named Angelella was being baptized, a dove flew to the baptismal font. From that day on, she would be… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Colomba of Rieti
Month: March 2018
Forgiveness: Not Seven Times but Seventy-Seven
Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Payback, a good friend once publicly observed, is hell. We avail ourselves of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. We atone for our sins, large and small, public… Continue reading Forgiveness: Not Seven Times but Seventy-Seven
Ready: March 2018
Note: My word for the year is “Ready.” Each month, I blog briefly about my progress. March has already brought some opportunities to make amends, with more on the horizon. Making amends means I’m ready to let go of some long-held grudges, some hurts that were or weren’t intentional. Does that mean those involved will… Continue reading Ready: March 2018
On the Nightstand: Redeemed
I have become a Heather King groupie. It started last summer when I read perhaps her best-known work, Shirt of Flame, followed by Stripped: At the Intersection of Cancer, Culture, and Christ, my favorite book of 2017. In March, I’ll be reading her book Redeemed. In flipping through some early pages, I found this beautiful passage: “To… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Redeemed