The Basics: Born February 6, 1867, in Mexico; died July 30, 1949, in Mexico; beatified November 27, 1997, by John Paul II; feast day, July 30. Woman religious; nurse. The Story: The woman who would become known as Madre Vicentita had a lifelong love affair with Jesus… and nursing. When she was twenty-three, she started helping at… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Vicenta of Saint Dorothy Chavez Orozco
Day: February 1, 2017
On the Nightstand: February 2017
The older I get, the less frantic my life becomes. Oh, things still are crazy at times, but overall, I’m learning to not to overcommit quite so much, and to say no more often. I’m hoping to pick up more tips and skills from this book by Shauna Niequist on embracing what’s important and gently… Continue reading On the Nightstand: February 2017
Friends in Faith: Betsy Dill
Every time I see something in my inbox from Betsy Dill, I smile. I know it’s going to be filled with positivity, excitement, and faith. Betsy is the co-director of Capital Christian Writers (now Capital Christian Writers Fellowship), and we’ve known each other for close to two decades. It all started back when I was… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Betsy Dill