Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Teresa Casini

The Basics: Born October 27, 1864, in Italy; died April 3, 1937, in Italy; beatified October 31, 2015; feast day, October 29; woman religious. The Story: Books about saints are full of stories about women who were martyrs or who founded congregations that brought hope and support to those who live on society’s margin. Maria Teresa’s… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Teresa Casini

Wednesday’s Woman: Maria Josefa Alhama y Valera (Mother Esperanza)

The Basics: Born September 30, 1893, in Spain; died February 8, 1983, in Italy; beatified May 31, 2014; feast day, February 8; woman religious. The Story: Maria’s life took some twists and turns before she settled into her life’s work with the Handmaids and Sons of Merciful Love congregations she founded. She got acquainted with the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Maria Josefa Alhama y Valera (Mother Esperanza)

Vices and Habits

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. “What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits.” It was the title of an album in my formative years, and the concept still rings so true. The vice of… Continue reading Vices and Habits