Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Note: For the next several weeks, I’m featuring women with a connection to the Americas. The Basics: Born August 29, 1769, in France; died November 18, 1852, in the United States; canonized July 3, 1988, by John Paul II; feast day, November 18; woman religious, teacher, missionary. The Story: Financially, the young Philippine’s existence was quite comfortable.… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Be Annoying. Be Sheep.

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Sheep get a bad rap. They’re smelly. They’re stupid. They’re herd animals who blindly follow the shepherd or leader anywhere, even if it’s into a hole or into… Continue reading Be Annoying. Be Sheep.

Returning Catholics FAQs: You’ve Got Company

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this ministry.… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: You’ve Got Company