Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rose of Lima

The Basics: Born April 20, 1586, in Peru; died August 24, 1617, in Peru; canonized April 12, 1671, by Pope Clement X; feast day, August 23. Mystic. The Story: Rose, the first person born in the Western Hemisphere to be canonized, let nothing get between her and the Lord. When she was young and people commented… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rose of Lima

Trusting in God More Than in Ourselves

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.  Gideon knew precisely who he was: the least of the least in Manasseh. And yet the Lord in Judges 6 chose him to deliver the Israelites from the… Continue reading Trusting in God More Than in Ourselves

Returning Catholics FAQs: Unanswered Prayers

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of  When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: Unanswered Prayers