Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Karlowska

The Basics: Born September 4, 1865, in Poland; died March 24, 1935, in Poland; beatified June 6, 1997, by John Paul II; feast day, June 6. Woman religious; social worker. The Story: Maria learned a seamstress’s trade in Berlin, then joined her sister’s sewing and embroidery shop back in what is now Poland’s Pomeranian area. It was… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Karlowska

Of Jealous, Envy… and Love

Note: On Tuesdays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.  Who among us hasn’t been there? In today’s first reading, Tobit, the devout and once-wealthy Israelite, has been literally blind for four years. Everyone, including Tobit himself, felt bad for the… Continue reading Of Jealous, Envy… and Love

On the Nightstand: June 2015

I’m headed for central South Dakota later this month–Oacoma, to be exact, a town of about 450 people that’s nineteen miles from where my great-grandparents homesteaded and twenty-five miles from where my father grew up. We’re having a Rigney family reunion, the first I’ve ever attended. And so, it seemed like the perfect time to… Continue reading On the Nightstand: June 2015

Being Christ in Our Lives: Letitia Suk

Letitia Suk and I are birthday twins–both first day of summer, June 21 girls-and we’ve known each other more than twenty years. It took a while before I realized we shared more than our birthdays and a love for Maud Hart Lovelace’s Betsy-Tacy books, though I think she always knew. When we met, I had… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Letitia Suk