The Basics: Born May 1, 1894, in what is now the Czech Republic; died March 30, 1943, in Austria; beatified June 21, 1998, by John Paul II; feast day, October 29. Woman religious, surgical nurse. The Story: It certainly wasn’t safe to say no to the Nazis in Austria in the 1940s. But that didn’t concern this… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Restituta
Month: November 2014
On the Nightstand: November 2014
A friend in Chicago gave me this book, which the jacket copy describes as a “creative combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychology.” I was even more intrigued by this comment from the author, Robert J. Wicks, in an online interview: “When we are prayerful, we move away from judging and more to experiencing. We… Continue reading On the Nightstand: November 2014
Defending the Communion of Saints
While I was out and about speaking on the women saints and blesseds this week, a woman asked a question. In essence, she wanted to know why anyone should care about a bunch of people who lived a long time ago, especially a bunch of people no one had ever heard of. I found the… Continue reading Defending the Communion of Saints