On the Nightstand: August

Last weekend, I was purging my personal library, and ran across this book by Joan Chittister. I loved two of her earlier books (In Search of Belief and Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by Hope) and am not sure why I didn’t get around to this one, which was a gift, earlier. Chittister calls happiness “is an organ of… Continue reading On the Nightstand: August

After the Move

Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates nearly 12 percent of Americans move every year. And whether that move is across the country or across town, it’s an opportunity to start fresh. We… Continue reading After the Move

Being Christ in Our Lives: Nan Balfour

You know how sometimes, you start e-mailing with someone and you’re just so eager to meet in person because you know it’s going to be a mystical experience? Well, that’s how I feel about Nan Balfour, coordinator for the 2014 Catholic Women’s Conference in San Antonio, presented by The Pilgrim Center of Hope. When Nan and… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Nan Balfour