On the Nightstand: July

I’m humbled to share I’m working with Franciscan Media on the follow-up to Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration. The tentative title is Rejoice and Be Glad: Living the Beatitudes with the Women Saints. Each chapter will include a brief discussion of a Beatitude and how it challenges us today., then share how four female saints lived that… Continue reading On the Nightstand: July

Being Christ in Our Lives: Vicki Thorn

I’d like to introduce you to one of my newer friends, Vicki Thorn, a wife, mother of six, and grandmother to six more. When I moved to Milwaukee in 1984, I was busy adapting to my newlywed life in a new city with a new job that paid a lot less than promised due to my… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Vicki Thorn