Patience: That Elusive Virtue

Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Have you played the phone game? You know, the one where everyone at dinner puts their smart phones in a pile. First one to extract his or hers has to… Continue reading Patience: That Elusive Virtue

On the Nightstand: May

I’ve been blessed to meet lots of amazing people through my saints ministry, and often, they provide wonderful spiritual resources. This month, I’ll be reading Jacques Philippe’s Time for God based on the recommendation of a new friend. It’s just 108 pages long, so there will be no excuse for not finishing it in a 31-day month! The… Continue reading On the Nightstand: May

Being Christ in Our Lives: Ann Farrell Pulliam

Ann Farrell Pulliam teaches me a lot. Always has, in the nine years we’ve known each other. She’s a devoted wife, mother, and daughter, and is studying to become a hospice chaplain. One of the greatest lessons I learned from her came when she was battling colon cancer (she’s cancer-free now, praise God) and graciously… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Ann Farrell Pulliam