This month, it’s really the DVD rack instead! Last month, I finally found the DVD version of The Seventh Chamber, which is about St. Teresa Benedicta. I loved it on VHS. (Interesting fact: The lead actress also played Mary in The Passion of Christ.) I also scored a copy of Jesus of Nazareth, which I’ve never seen but… Continue reading On the Nightstand: April
Month: April 2014
Being Christ in Our Lives: Linda M. Au
Linda M. Au is one of the funniest people I know. I call her the Erma Bombeck of our generation. To see if you agree, check out her books: Head in the Sand … and other unpopular positions, and Fork in the Road … and other pointless discussions. A few things you might not know from her writing: Linda is… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Linda M. Au
Blessed Olympia Bida: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections
Blessed Olympia Bida was born in Ukraine in 1903 and died on January 28, 1952 in Russia. Her feast day is April 2. Olympia and another St. Joseph sister got into trouble for facilitating surreptitious religious services and catechization and were exiled to Siberia. She spent more than a year in a prison camp before dying… Continue reading Blessed Olympia Bida: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections