St. Teresa of Avila was born in Spain 499 years ago today and died on October 4, 1582. Her feast day isn’t until October 15, but I thought I’d talk about her today since it’s her birthday… and because I bought this cool statue of her last week at Milwaukee’s Marian Center. What to say… Continue reading St. Teresa of Avila: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections
Month: March 2014
St. Agostina Livia Pietrantoni: 2041 Daily Lenten Reflections
St. Agostina Livia Pietrantoni was born in Italy on this date in 1864, and died on November 13, 1894. She held a variety of jobs, including hauling materials for road construction, until she was accepted by the Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne-Antide Thouret shortly before her twenty-second birthday. After her final vows, Agostina was… Continue reading St. Agostina Livia Pietrantoni: 2041 Daily Lenten Reflections
St. Margaret Clitherow: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections
St. Margaret Clitherow was born about 1556 in York, England, and died on March 25, 1586. Margaret is among the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales who were executed between 1535 and 1679 on treason and related charges for defending the Catholic faith. Margaret converted to Catholicism when she was eighteen, and was an ardent… Continue reading St. Margaret Clitherow: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections
St. Lucy Filippini: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections
St. Lucy Filippini was born in southern Italy on January 16, 1672, and died in 1732 on this date, which is also her feast day. She found her charism in teaching… including teaching others to teach. Lucy and a cardinal worked together to develop schools to educate girls about reading, homemaking, and religion, and the effort… Continue reading St. Lucy Filippini: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections