Of Lent, Love, and Food That Doesn’t Go Stale

I’m participating in the Keeping LOVE in LENT Blog Link-Up 2014, hosted by the Catholic Bloggers Network. We’ll be sharing different ways, tips, stories and real-life experiences that will help us focus on Lenten sacrifices, prayer and good deeds and how to carry them out with LOVE instead of a GRUMBLE. Please scroll to the five hostesses’ contact… Continue reading Of Lent, Love, and Food That Doesn’t Go Stale

St. Frances of Rome: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

St. Frances of Rome was born in 1384 and died on this date in 1440. As a child, Frances wanted nothing more than to enter a convent. But not only did her parents marry her off when she was just twelve… she also had to leave home to live with her in-laws! But it turned… Continue reading St. Frances of Rome: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections