On the Nightstand: January

I’m spending time in discernment this month, and so have returned to one of my favorite spiritual resources: Evelyn Underhill’s  The Spiritual Life. It’s a short book–128 pages–but by no means slight. Plenty to ponder, including thoughts such as this: “Our place is not the auditorium but the stage–or, as the case may be, the… Continue reading On the Nightstand: January

Being Christ in Our Lives: Lora Zill

On the surface, Lora Zill and I don’t have much in common: Our politics are different. She publishes a respected Christian poetry journal, Time of Singing; I’ve written one poem in forty-plus years. At The Blue Collar Artist, she blogs about the creativity process; I’m not much about process about anything. She’s an evangelical Christian;… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Lora Zill