Our celebrant at this morning’s 5 a.m. Simbang Gabi Mass had a confession. Just as when he celebrated last year, when his alarm clock went off at 3:45 a.m., it took him a few minutes to recall what was going on and why he had to be up so early. Something entirely new was afoot,… Continue reading Simbang Gabi 2013, Day 6: And Now, for Something Entirely New
Month: December 2013
The Bible’s 18 Most Challenging Words
Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) Can you think of eighteen more challenging words in the… Continue reading The Bible’s 18 Most Challenging Words
Simbang Gabi 2013, Day 5: Hump Day
Today was Hump Day at Simbang Gabi, four Masses done, four Masses to go after today. It’s usually my toughest day in the novena, and this year was no exception. No offense to our celebrant, but I’m pretty sure I fell asleep twice during the readings and his homily. I think I also may
Simbang Gabi 2013, Day 4: Of Loaves and Fishes
“It’s like loaves and fishes,” a good friend said as we crossed paths this morning, taking full serving platters in and empty ones out of the post-Simbang Gabi Mass breakfast line. “Either that or the locusts,” I said, laughing.